The cockatiel for sale, known as the White-faced Cockatiel, is easily distinguishable by its white or grayish face. This particular mutation is highly sought after due to its unique lack of orange cheek patches and yellow coloring. As implied by its name, this mutation is derived from the male cockatiel and is considered to be a visually stunning variation. The male bird displays a strikingly white face in contrast to the female’s more muted grayish hue, WHITE FACED COCKATIEL 4SALE
WHITE FACED COCKATIEL 4SALE were first discovered in 1964 and have since become a common variation among these pet birds. When combined with other cockatiel mutations, such as grey, pearl, cinnamon, pied, and albino, they create even more captivating color varieties. In the above picture, “L.A.” appears to be either a Gray White face Cockatiel or perhaps a Pied Whiteface Cockatiel.

Among the parrot family, cockatiels are known to be one of the most popular pets. They rival only Budgerigars in terms of popularity., WHITE FACED COCKATIEL 4SALE, currently available for sale, has a distinct white or grayish face as depicted in the image above. This particular cockatiel mutation is known for its stunning appearance due to the absence of orange cheek patches and yellow coloring. As the name suggests, this mutation is derived from the male gender and is highly recognizable for its brilliant white face. In contrast, the female has a grayish hue on her face.
The first appearance of White-faced Cockatiels was recorded in 1964 and since then, they have become a fairly common mutation. When paired with other cockatiel mutations, these birds produce even more visually appealing varieties. Some popular color variations include grey, pearl, cinnamon, pied, and albino. The bird “L.A.” shown in the picture may either be a Gray Whiteface Cockatiel or a Pied WHITE FACED COCKATIEL 4SALE
Cockatiels are among the most sought-after parrots and often outrank their close competitor- Budge- in terms of popularity among pet owners.
It is generally advised to use a commercial cockatiel seed mix and a high-quality vitamin supplement for your cockatiel’s diet. While pelleted diets can also provide a well-balanced nutrition, they lack phytonutrients (antioxidant pigments) that are commonly found in vegetables, fruits, grains, and seeds. Therefore, it is recommended to supplement with green foods such as dandelion leaves, weeds, carrot tops, celery, watercress, spinach, peas, seedling grasses, and millet. Additionally, offering various fruits like apples, oranges, bananas can also be beneficial.
To support your cockatiel’s calcium intake and help maintain a healthy beak size, cuttlebones are highly recommended. Proteins can be included in their diet through mynah pellets, game bird starter food, dog food or mashed hard-boiled eggs.